We take the best of all worlds

We are a blend of Swiss business management and leadership culture and Serbian software engineering talent with a mission to support your products and services. We are a team that builds teams, we are a culture that shapes cultures. We learn from our partners and take the best of all their worlds.

True to our company vision of bringing outstanding people together to arrive where no one was before, we help our partners grow. By doing so, we create a bright future for talented software engineers in Serbia with outstanding career opportunities in an international environment.

Our partners and us, we’re growing together.

Moreover, we’re growing together with our employees to whom we provide opportunities to learn and experience the full extent of international careers at home.

We’re growing together with the communities that we enrich with the best of the cultures we are the part of.

InterVenture is all about growing together.


Interventure is all about GROWING TOGETHER

From the very beginning our idea was to create a company that will connect the worlds we considered to be ours, and places we called home. We spent the majority of our lives living in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK, but have always had our anchor in Serbia. With InterVenture we wanted to make the best out of those worlds and turn them into a living ecosystem.

Before starting InterVenture we had a fair share of failures lifting start-ups off the ground. Those were all great learning opportunities.

Finally, InterVenture’s story began in 2011, in a 50sqm apartment, which turned into a 120sqm apartment the year after. And so, bit by bit, through hard work and a bit of luck, we find ourselves today occupying several office floors in multiple locations. We are proud that we are still working together with some of our first partners with same vigour and dedication we had on day one.

Marko & Mirko



Marko Đurić InterVenture

Mirko Djuric

Co-founder and CEO at InterVenture

Marko Đurić InterVenture

Marko Djuric

Co-founder & COO at InterVenture


Isabel Carbotta Steiner

Isabel Steiner

Lead Engineer at AlpineAI

Luka Babić

Co-founder & CEO at Orgnostic


Dejan Dojcinovic

Director International Locations at SMG Swiss Marketplace Group / Co-Founder at InterVenture


Andreas Heimgartner

Managing Director Zug Consulting Group AG



  • Our Clients = Our Partners

    Our partners are our oxygen. Their success determines our success and vice versa. So we regard our clients as our partners and work together at the same eye level. We value our freedom and use it responsibly.

  • Fair Play

    We are transparent, open and honest at all times. We think out loud and we understand that speaking your mind requires equally knowledge (what to say), thoughtfulness (when to say it), and empathy (how it’s said).

  • Teamwork

    We can be serious, without taking ourselves too seriously. We ask for help and we help when asked. We strive to put what’s right for the team first: our motto – One for All and All for One – whether in a business meeting or a football tournament.

  • Knowledge, Knowledge & Knowledge

    We build up and our share knowledge, grow the skills of our craft, develop projects, cultivate relations and seed the idea of excellence. Then we work hard to make sure our work works. We Grow Together like magic – only it’s not.

  • Proactive

    We are the change we seek. We don’t wait for good things to happen, we speak up, share improvement initiatives and help them come to life. We continuously try to improve ourselves and others, our products and the way we work.

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© 2025


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